Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us with your enquiry.
Who can register for Diplomatic Courses?
The Diplomatic Academy is the premier training institute for Australian officials representing Australia internationally.
We offer a range of programs to Australian officials and international partners, as well as some private organisations where relevant.
Are courses available to the general public?
Can the Diplomatic Academy run courses specifically for other APS agencies?
Yes. Contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
Is the Academy a registered training organisation?
No. Our learning and development is delivered by and for DFAT and APS agencies using a mix of internal expertise and external delivery partners, including universities and other registered training organisations.
What is meant by a virtual presence?
The Academy is continually developing innovative ways to deliver learning programs using new and emerging technology.
The Academy’s physical presence is supported by a strong digital platform providing both online and remote learning opportunities (courses delivered at post using digital resources). This includes traditional eLearning as well as micro-learning, webinars, MOOCs, and the use of online tools such as WebEx.
What are your COVID-19 protocols?
The Academy adheres to ACT Government health protocols.
Staff, students and visitors are encouraged to practice 1.5 metres physical distancing when using the Diplomatic Academy facilities, and mask wearing is encouraged.
Attendees are encouraged to:
Stay at home if feeling unwell:
1. Use hand sanitiser. Sanitiser stations are located in all rooms and around the Diplomatic Academy.
2. Practice 1.5 metres of social distancing.
3. Comply with all applicable ACT Health protocols.
Attendees are encouraged to bring your own:
1. Face mask
2. Water bottle and/or reusable tea/coffee cup
3. Pen
What are the Academy's Learning Levels?
For information on our Learning Levels (Foundation, Practitioner, and Expert), see Learning Programs & Events.
Where is the Diplomatic Academy located?
44 Sydney Avenue in Canberra.